As parents it can be easy to overlook our children in terms of key milestones.  Often a delay or early attainment can be a signal that something might be a concern in your child’s healthy development.  Keep these close at hand so you can keep a close on eye them

By the end of 1st month:

  •         Make jerky, quivering arm movements
  •         Bring hands near face
  •         Keep hands in tight fists
  •         Move head from side to side while lying on stomach
  •         Focus on objects 8-12 inches away
  •         Prefer human faces over other shapes
  •         Prefer black-and-white or high-contrast patterns
  •         Hear very well
  •         Recognize some sounds, including parents’ voice


By the end of 3rd month, most babies:

  •      Raise head and chest when lying on stomach
  •      Support upper body with arms when lying on stomach
  •      Stretch legs out and kick when lying on stomach or back
  •      Push down on legs when feet are placed on a firm surface
  •      Open and shut hands
  •      Bring hands to mouth


By the end of the 7th month, most babies:

  •         Roll over both ways (stomach to back and back to stomach)
  •         Sit up
  •         Reach for objects with hand
  •         Transfer objects from one hand to the other
  •         Support whole weight on legs when held upright
  •         Develop full-color vision and mature distance vision
  •         Use voice to express joy and displeasure


By their 1st birthday, most babies:

  •         Sit without assistance
  •         Get in hands-and-knees position
  •         Pull self up to stand
  •         Walk holding on to furniture, and possibly a few steps without support
  •         Use pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger)
  •         Say “dad” and “mama”
  •         Use exclamations, such as “uh-oh”
  •         Try to imitate words
  •         Respond to “no” and simple verbal requests
  •      Grab and shake hand toys
  •      Follow moving objects with eyes
  •      Watch face closely
  •      Recognize familiar objects and people at distance
  •      Start using hands and eyes in coordination
  •      Begin to babble and to imitate some sounds
  •      Smile at the sound of parents’ voices
  •      Enjoy playing with other people
  •      May cry when playing stops
  •      Respond to own name
  •      Babble chains of consonants (ba-ba-ba-ba)
  •      Distinguish emotions by tone of voice
  •      Explore objects with hands and mouth
  •      Struggle to get objects that are out of reach
  •      Enjoy playing peek-a-boo
  •      Show an interest in mirror images
  •      Crawl
  •      Use simple gestures, such as shaking head “no” and waving bye-bye
  •      Explore objects in many ways (shaking, banging, throwing, dropping)
  •      Begin to use objects correctly (drinking from cup, brushing hair)
  •      Find hidden objects easily
  •      Look at correct picture when an image is named


By their 2nd birthday, most children:

  •         Walk alone
  •         Pull toys behind them while walking
  •         Carry large toys or several toys while walking
  •         Begin to run
  •         Kick a ball
  •         Climb on and off furniture without help
  •         Walk up and down stairs while holding on to support
  •         Scribble with crayon
  •         Build tower of four blocks or more
  •         Recognize names of familiar people, objects, and body parts

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